ベイビー&幼児の親子参加 ベイビー&幼児の親子ペアを対象に、外国人教師による英語絵本の読み聞かせを開催いたします。英語に親しんで頂くとともに、お家で使える日常英会話も教えていきます。 開催日:毎月1回 午後クラス14:00~ 日程予定 Freedom上通 第3木曜14:00 1月21日・2月18日・3月18日 Freedom水前寺 第3金曜14:00 1月22日・2月19日・3月19日 時間 30分程度 参加費 500円 ご予約制 Line/メール/お電話でご予約ください。 対象年齢 0才から5才 定員 3組の親子 (3蜜を避けるために) 内容 英語絵本読み聞かせ 赤ちゃんに英語での声掛け 子育てに使える日常英会話を親御様に教えます。 告知方法 インスタ/FB/Line等で行います。
1 コメント
Our amazing junior students tell us all the reasons why they like summer (and some reasons why they don't like it so much!) Thank you very much to our wonderful students for making the videos, and of course to their equally wonderful parents for shooting and uploading them. April was World Book Day.
To encourage reading, each of our students here at Freedom English School 上通 wrote their own, original picture book. They were excited to write original picture books based on recent, personal experiences. One of the examples comes from Yua (小6), who titled her book "I hate Summer". Teaching kids the joy of reading and developing their own thought process is an important part of childhood and helpful with their future goals. It’s a beautiful day here in Kumamoto city, and we're excited about the return to normal lessons here at Freedom English School Suizenji! Online lessons were a great answer to the challenge of teaching during the national state of emergency, but is really nice to be back in the classroom. The café-style layout here is very relaxing, but it is even better when there are people to enjoy it with! With the June 28th Open School coming up, I wanted to tell you about Freedom English School and invite parents to bring their children and see what our school is all about. We have made a new curriculum focused on increasing English language ability for school age students. It focuses on two important skills for new learners: phonics and fluency. We believe that young students should practice hearing and saying the basic sounds that we use in English to become skilled listeners and speakers. In addition, we want students to have confidence using English by practicing speaking as early as possible. In the same way that native speakers learn as children, we want students to practice using common phrases and sentences in conversation and encourage them to speak English as much as possible. While practicing their English skills, students can also learn about other subjects such as science, history, geography, and more. After they finish the phonics course, students will move on to a texbook course that covers more advanced English grammar and a higher level fluency class where we talk about different cultures, space and the oceans, and famous people from history. Each month has a different project that connects to the fluency classes. Some examples include: making a comic book, researching a foreign country and doing a presentation, writing and sharing a book report, and many more! If students have many ways to use English they will have more confidence and become better at speaking and communicating in the future.
皆様にお会いするのを楽しみにしています。 感染防止対策として
See you soon! . . . 新型コロナウイルス感染拡大の防止による緊急事態宣言の解除に伴い、Freedom ESでのオンラ
インレッスンも5月末で終了の運びとなりました。 6月一臂より、通常のレッスンに戻ります。 一クラスの定員人数は5人を目安とします。皆様のご協力とご理解をお願い致します。 クラス受講変更をご希望の方・Onlineレッスン継続ご希望等がございましたら、ご遠慮なく、受 付・担当の教師へご相談ください。今後とも、楽しく学べる英会話スクールを目指し邁進してま いりますので、重ね重ね宜しくお願い致します。ご不明な点がございましたら、ご遠慮なくお尋 ねください。皆様にお会いできることを楽しみにしています。 |